The .ng Awards celebrate the achievements and innovation of Nigerian internet initiatives.
The .ng Awards aim to showcase Nigerian businesses, individuals, charities, public and private sector organisations that help to make the Internet a more secure, open, accessible, and rewarding experience for all. At the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA), we believe in the power of the Internet and are determined that the .ng domain name space has a positive impact on the lives of Internet users. We acknowledge the great work being done within the ecosystem and desire the populace to know about it, talk about it, engage with it, and put it into the spotlight.

Our annual .ng Awards are open to any organisation or individual who are contributing to driving growth in our digital space using the .ng domain name.

There will be two categories of awards for the year 2024, the Presidential Awards and the General Awards.

Click here to Nominate


The following award criteria must be met by all nominees of the 2024 .ng awards. The criteria are

  1. Company, organisation, or individual must have registered and is doing business with a .ng domain name.
  2. The Domain name must have been registered for over twelve (12) months.
  3. The website associated with the .ng domain name must be active on the Internet.


  1. Up-to-date Website: How up-to-date and current the website is.
  2. Local Content: The extent and quality of locally produced content featured on the website.
  3. User Experience: The overall ease of navigation and user-friendliness of the website.
  4. Functionality: The effectiveness of the website’s features and functionalities.
  5. Website Relevance: How effectively the website provides accurate and relevant information to users online.
  6. Website Dynamism: The level of interactivity and engagement provided by the website


Nominations for the .ng Awards General Category will be opened to the public. The nomination for the awards is open to individuals, organizations, institutions that meet the criteria for the .ng Awards and will be open for 25 days.

The .ng Awards committee will review and assess all entries/nominations for eligibility and qualification before the final short-listed nominees are released for public voting via the website.

The committee may reclassify or re-categorize entries and may remove entries that do not meet the entry requirements. Entries that differ substantially from the award criteria will be disqualified without prior notice to the entrants.

Click here to Nominate


Voting is open to the public, with public votes accounting for 40% of the total score and Committee votes representing 60%. The voting period is open for 21 days.


Winners will gain access to .ng Awards Icon, available in various sizes and various formats for inclusion on websites and marketing collateral.