AUGUST 26TH, 2017
The Purpose of This Consultation
This Consultation Paper is issued by the Nigeria Internet Registration Association Constitution Review Committee (NIRA CRC) to initiate a public consultation pursuant to the decision of the General Assembly of NIRA for a Constitution Review (CR) process.
On April 28, 2017, the General Assembly of NIRA mandated the Board of Trustees and Executive
Board of Directors to jointly midwife the CR process.
The joint BoT and EBoD also delegated that responsibility to the NIRA CRC, which was constituted to represent the diversity of NIRA Membership and midwife the CR process.
The Consultation commenced by this paper is intended to further the NIRA CRC’s mission of undertaking the CR process in an open, transparent and inclusive process that guarantees participation of all NIRA members.
The purpose of this Consultation is to assist the NIRA CRC to introduce plans for the CR process by adopting the timelines stipulated in the Approved Road Map provided on
Consultation Process
This section describes the consultation process by which the NIRA CRC wishes to obtain input and submissions by NIRA members to the CR process.
The process is established in accordance with the Guidelines provided on the NIRA Constitution Review Platform on
The NIRA CRC hereby invite submissions on the CR issues raised in this paper, in accordance with the following procedures:
Submissions & Comments by NIRA Members
The CR process shall be undertaken exclusively on the NIRA website ( and the NIRA CRC will use this as the primary medium for disseminating information openly and equitably to all members.
The NIRA Constitution Review Platform shall be the exclusive platform for the CR process and is available to all NIRA members on
The NIRA Constitution Review Platform shall be open to all NIRA members on, starting from Friday September 8, 2017 to begin their submissions to the CR process in line with the Approved Road Map.
Please note that the Membership submission duration is 21 days, starting from Friday September 8, 2017.
In addition, information and guidance shall also be communicated to NIRA members through complementary channels of the NIRA Membership Mailing List; Homepage of NIRA website and SMS.
The NIRA Constitution Review Platform shall also serve as the channel for Submission, Comments and other interactions on the CR to ensure openness, transparency and inclusiveness for all NIRA Members.
Detailed Guidelines have also been posted on the NIRA Constitution Review Platform to facilitate seamless participation by all NIRA members in an open, transparent and inclusive manner.
The NIRA Constitution Review Platform shall manage, host and archive all the CR process and archive same for scrutiny after the CRC has completed its mandate.
The CRC shall encourage interest and participation by all NIRA members representing the diversity of the Internet community in Nigeria.
Participation in the CR process is open only to NIRA members and submissions are sought on the NIRA Harmonised Constitution already made available on the NIRA Constitution Review Platform.
Further Information
The CRC Members share a common position that every step of the CR shall be guided by the principles of Openness, Transparency and Inclusiveness.
The CRC shall also publish a detailed Report of the CR process at the completion of its mandate.
The CRC may amend or supplement the Approved Road Map for the CR process by notice posted on the NIRA website and the NIRA Constitution Review Platform.
NIRA members are advised to monitor these channels to ensure they are aware of any changes in the Approved Road Map for the CR process.
Shina Badaru
Chairman | NIRA Constitution Review Committee.
Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA)
8, Funsho Williams Avenue, Iponri, Suru-Lere, Lagos State. Nigeria.
Tel: +234 (0)700 CALL-NIRA