The development and transformation of Nigeria is highly dependent on youth empowerment through Entrepreneurship. Youths are the backbone of economic development all over the world and they play important roles for employment, income generation and societal changes, particularly in transition economies like Nigeria.

Entrepreneurship is more than simply “starting a business.” It is a process through which individuals identify opportunities, allocate resources, and create value. This creation of value is often through the identification of unmet needs or through the identification of opportunities for change.

The vast opportunities available in the Domain Name System (DNS) industry for entrepreneur cannot be over emphasized, but this has not been sufficiently harnessed in Nigeria and as such, the vast growth and Internet boom has been somewhat sluggish in Nigeria.

Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA) has over the years encouraged and developed programs that facilitates the breeding of Entrepreneurs within the DNS industry in Nigeria. Under the .ng platform, several opportunities exists for Nigerian youths. Some of this opportunities includes:

Becoming an Accredited Registrar for the .ng domain name:

NiRA Accredited Registrar acts as the interface between Registrants and NiRA. Registrars act on behalf of Registrants who wish to register .ng domain names. They also provide registration renewal, transfer, cancellation, and information update services for Registrants. There are many benefits of becoming a NiRA Accredited Registrar some of which includes earning revenue from registering and managing .ng domain names on behalf of your customers, gaining the competitive advantage that comes with offering .ng registration in addition to your existing business, building your brand and brand awareness, offering reseller program and identifying yourself with a Nigerian presence. To become a NiRA Accredited Registrar a few requirements must be meet. The full list of these requirements and how to become a NiRA Accredited Registrar can be found on www.nira.org.ng

Becoming a Reseller to a NiRA Accredited Registrar:

Reseller programs are offered by most Registrars. As a reseller very minimal requirement and financial commitment is needed. In simple terms the reseller acts like the middle man between the Registrar and Registrant. The immediate financial benefits of becoming a reseller and the minimal requirement in becoming a reseller are some of the reasons why this opportunity is suitable and preferred by Nigeria Youths. To find out more about becoming a Reseller for a NiRA Accredited Registrar visit the website of the NiRA Accredited Registrar of your choice 

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