The NiRA Accredited Registrars’ Forum held on Friday 16th September 2016. There was an impressive turn-out of Registrars, both online and physically.
The Forum provided another opportunity for NiRA to interact with its Registrars and deliberate on how to sustain the drive of promoting the Nigerian Identity on Cyberspace.
The Registrars have regularly demonstrated their commitment and contributions towards the growth of the .ng brand.
The Registrars commended NiRA for the various initiatives put in place to promote the .ng brand and elaborated on their own efforts at promoting and marketing the brand. Collectively it was resolved that though progress had been made in the past few years, deliberate efforts must be made to reach those not online and those who are brandishing

foreign domain names. There are still several Nigerian businesses that can be promoted and placed online.
The President of NiRA used the opportunity to clarify some of the NiRA policies and guidelines.
It was agreed that future Registrars Forum would be more engaging, with discussions on NiRA policies and invited speakers. The last Registrars Forum in 2016 has been scheduled for first week in December 2016.