NiRA Annual General Meeting – 2018

Activities have kicked off, in preparation for the Annual General Assembly of our dear organization – NIRA. It will afford us the opportunity to give account of our stewardship, interact at close proximity with members and discuss issues concerning NiRA. Statutorily, the AGM must hold on or before the end of the fourth month of every year. This year, it will hold on the 27th April 2018.

Later in the evening of the same day, I will have the privilege of hosting members, stakeholders and members of the public at its 3rd .ng Awards night. The .ng Awards celebrates the achievements and innovations on the Internet as it relates to the .ng brand.

The .ng awards showcases Nigerian businesses, the private and public sectors at all levels, and individuals who have contributed to promoting and projecting Nigerian local content on the Internet.   The general public does the nominations of qualified organisations and in the selection of the winners in each category by voting for the nominees of their choice.

NIRA does not charge for the award, neither is any fee attached to any aspect of the nominations and selections. Winners of the .ng Awards in previous years have voluntarily promoted the .ng brand, and we are appreciative of the mention of NIRA and the .ng brand in their campaigns.

Please visit the NIRA website daily to monitor the updates as times goes on, especially on the details of how to participate in the .ng Awards.

At NiRA, we believe in the power of the Internet and are determined that the .ng domain name is used to positively impact on the lives of Internet users. Come join us and be part of the great crusade to project Nigeria in the cyberspace.

I remain at your service.

Rev’d Sunday Folayan

President, NIRA Executive Board

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