Domain Names will drive Nigeria’s e-commerce boom

By the time you read this newsletter, we would have concluded the first public auction of premium domain names. Five domain names:,,, and were offered via auction to prequalified bidders, who bidded in a week-long process, over Twitter. The reserve price of each domain was fixed by NIRA at N100,000.00.  I am excited that the process went smoothly and generated the much needed awareness. Offers will be made to the winners, in accordance with the bidding guideline. You can review the bids using the twitter hashtag #NIRAAUCTION1. We will announce the auction of more names soon.

The bids made for these domain names, shows the premium that registrants now place on the .ng names, and the potentials for other names yet to be auctioned.

Before the conclusion of the auction, I had the pleasure of presenting a paper at the South West Regional E-Commerce Summit and Expo, which held at Ibadan from 26th March to 28th March, 2018. I spoke on the impact of the .ng Domains on Global and National E-commerce. I pointed out that today’s knowledge revolution is driven by the Internet, a product of the digital revolution- Information and Technology Communication. I highlighted the potential power of the Nigeria youth in building, transforming and leading a new Nigeria. I explained the possibilities and benefits of using the .ng brand for online businesses. I concluded by pointing out that we must invest in youths who will be the leaders of tomorrow. They do have the energy, capacity and technological know-how to develop the Nation. We must prepare them, and then yield the nation to them.

Let me remind you of the ongoing nominations of individuals and businesses using the .ng domain name, for the 2018 .ng Awards. I encourage all to visit the NiRA website to nominate deserving businesses, organizations and individuals for the .ng Awards. To nominate, please visit

I remain at your service.

Rev’d Sunday Folayan

President, NIRA Executive Board

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