Choosing the Perfect Domain Name for your business

Choosing the right domain name for your business is a big decision in the thought process of starting an online business, the domain name being the foundation for your online identity. As we all know, choosing the right domain name can determine the success of your online business, especially considering that people will need to remember the name and type it accurately on their browser. On the online world, your domain name is a branding tool. There are many factors to consider when choosing the perfect domain name.

Target Audience: Register a domain name under any of the SLD of the .ng ccTLD, depending on the type of business and target audience. Check for availability of the name from the .ng WHOIS

Choose a domain that’s easy to remember: The public will find your website URL on flyers, newsletters, search queries, and other websites so making the domain name memorable is key.

Memorable domain names are often short, clever, and avoid trendy humor, hyphens or numbers. The longer or more complicated the domain name, the less likely it will be remembered. Think of catchy, unique and memorable domain name that people can easily relate to.

Do a quick analysis of your favorite domain names and see what makes them stand out, and incorporate those elements you like into your own business domain name.

Choose a brandable name: Brandable means that when you see or hear the domain, it sounds like a brand. By looking at your domain name your visitors should be able to accurately guess your type of business, that has a name that reinforces the concept of the contents of the website. This doesn’t mean you need to spell out exactly what your business does with a list of keywords. It simply means the name should be able to capture the essence of what your business.

Choose a name void of copyright issues: Choose a domain name that will not be associated with a trademark or trade name, a name that is not associated with negative public opinion such geo-names, profane names etc., and a name that does not have double meaning, a name that will not have a negative meaning in another language, etc. 

Double-check social media, too. You want to make sure any relevant social media handles are still available. This will help you build brand consistency and make it that much easier for your visitors to find your business on social media.


Once you have decided on the memorable, smart and brandable domain name, log on to NiRA website and choose from the list of NiRA Accredited Registrars, and log onto their platform to register the domain name of your choice. Along with the domain registration services, all NiRA Accredited Registrars offer various services.

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