Introducing the DNS Security Facilitation Initiative Technical Study Group

Attacks on the Domain Name System (DNS) rarely impact only one actor in the Internet ecosystem. With significant recent attacks such as the Sea Turtle hijacking and the DNSpionage, ICANN community saw an urgent need to come together and respond. The exact solution, or group of solutions, which would best improve the security and stability of the DNS ecosystem are not yet clear. What is clear, however, is that a new level of collaboration and understanding is required.

In alignment with the FY21-FY25 Strategic Plan, the ICANN organisation plans to work with stakeholders to investigate mechanisms which will strengthen collaboration and communication on security and stability issues. To begin this effort, Göran Marby, ICANN President & CEO was pleased to introduce the DNS Security Facilitation Initiative Technical Study Group. This Technical Study Group will explore ideas around what ICANN can and should be doing to increase the level of collaboration and engagement with DNS ecosystem stakeholders to improve the security profile for the DNS. The group aims to recommend next steps by May 2021.

Merike Käo, Security & Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) Liaison to the ICANN Board and Chief Security Strategist for Double Shot Security, has agreed to serve as coordinator for the DNS Security Facilitation Initiative Technical Study Group. She is well-qualified for the role, having more than 25 years of experience in leading and developing global security initiatives and enabling interdisciplinary cooperation.

The Technical Study Group will be made up of invited members with expertise in handling emergency response coordination, DNS security, large-scale DNS operations, network architecture and design, DNS policy, and more. This group is being supported by members of the ICANN org.

Over the next few weeks, the composition of the group will be finalized, and they will begin the work of creating the charter. Merike will share an update once this planning phase has been completed.


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