The world as we knew it, has changed forever. A new strain of Coronavirus known as COVID-19 was reported to have started in Wuhan, China and has changed the way that individuals interact, how families live, social rules which societies live by, the way that organisations carry out their business, how travel is conducted between nations and in every sphere of human living, the rules of engagement have been modified.
Thankfully, governments all over the world have responded in the best way they could but unfortunately, and quite sadly though, many lives have still been lost to COVID-19. We pray for the consolation of families who have lost loved ones. We are grateful to everyone who is spending nearly all their waking moments providing support and comfort at this time. From ambulance teams to hospital staff to lab scientists and hospital auxiliary staff, these people deserve our undiluted appreciation. Our hearts reach out to all.
As businesses have moved online, conducting their business virtually, the use of various meeting platforms has also increased. These companies have also made considerable efforts to improve on the features of their products and services.
There has also been a commensurate increase in websites providing various services/products in relation to COVID-19 at this time. Unfortunately, criminals have also taken advantage of the prevailing circumstance, to perpetuate evil using fraudulent websites, creating and registering domain names with phrases like “COVID”, “pandemic” and ‘corona’. As a responsible organisation, NiRA in collaboration with its Accredited Registrars has taken steps to ensure the Nigerian public is protected from the activities of these individuals. We are all advised to take care and not be taken in by these set of people. You should always verify all claims and we advise strongly that we all abide by the guidelines as advised by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC). Do visit the NCDC website for all updates with respect to the COVID-19 via the link
We are urging all to please stay safe and may the world come out of this experience as a better and more caring world.
Muhammed Rudman
President, NiRA