Covid Era

In the past two years, after the COVID-19 crisis, there has been a shift in work attitudes and employment priorities, thereby causing a challenge to the management of human resources. It can as well be argued that the Coronavirus outbreak only sped up the advances in office technology as it was already driving the steady growth of telecommuting. Hence, the talent pool has greatly expanded as positions have gone remote.

The NiRA Registrar’s Forum on the 6th of September 2022, introduced one of the key facilitators in the person of Mrs. Taiwo Dayo-Abatan, Group Head, Human Capital and Corporate Services at Primera Africa Finance Group, who helped elucidate on how businesses can cope with the challenges of staffing in the post-COVID era. Mrs. Dayo-Abatan highlighted in her opening statements that the world of work has become borderless as communication networks improved all around the world. She pointed business owners and employers to the new reality that people have become the most important critical success factor for corporates.

Mrs. Abatan recommended that employers needed to be more creative around employment contracting, ensure the warehousing of knowledge, and prioritise standardised processes within their organisations to enable new contracted employees to hit the ground running considering the current high turnover rate for most employers. She clearly expressed that regardless of the short employee lifespan in recent years, business owners ought to provide an enabling work environment, adequate working tools, and competitive remuneration to foster and build brand alumni, who can recommend the organization to the best talents available.

The President, Mr. Rudman commended Mrs. Taiwo Dayo-Abatan for a fantastic presentation and appreciated the Registrars for their affirmative feedback regarding the discourse at the forum.

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