NiRA Premium Domain Names are unique labels which can greatly boost recognition on the internet. They are an indication of the creativity of an organisation in reaching its target audience. The list of Premium Domain names can be found at Premium Domains

In 2022, the Executive Board of NiRA dropped the cost of Premium Domains, making them more accessible to individuals and businesses who are innovative in their approach to their online identity. In addition, the registration of Premium Domain names was supported with a brand-new portal making the registration of a .ng premium domain name a straightforward process which is completed in a few easy steps.

The following is a step-by-step guide on how to register a .ng premium domain name:

Step 1: Check for the Premium Domain availability

The first step in registering a .ng premium domain name is to check if the domain name you want is available. You can check domain name availability by visiting the website and searching for the domain name you want.

Step 2: Choose a registrar.

Once you have confirmed that the premium domain name you want is available, you will need to choose a registrar to handle the registration process. A registrar is a company that is accredited by NIRA to register .ng domain names.

Step 3: Registrar submit your application.

After choosing your preferred Accredited Registrar, your application for the .ng premium domain name would be submitted through the registrar you have chosen. The registrar will then review your application and confirm that all the required information has been provided.

Step 4: Pay the registration fee.

After your application has been reviewed and approved, you will be required to pay the registration fee for your .ng premium domain name. The fee is usually paid annually and is non-refundable.

Step 5: Confirm your registration.

Finally, you will receive a confirmation email from your registrar containing the details of your .ng premium domain registration. Once confirmed, your .ng premium domain name will be active and ready to use.

It’s important to note that premium domain names are considered premium because they are short, easy to remember and highly desirable, so they have a higher cost than regular .ng domain names.

By following these simple steps, you can easily register your own .ng premium domain name and take your first step towards building a successful online presence.

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