
Accredited Registrars Forum: Driving the Future of the .ng Domain

On May 30th, 2024, NiRA held its Online Accredited Registrars Forum, a pivotal event that brought together our valued accredited registrars who are partners and play an essential role in the success of the .ng domain. These accredited registrars are … Read More

Empowering Girls in ICT: Highlights from the NKF and ISOC Nigeria Girls in ICT 2024 Commemoration Event

On April 25, 2024, a NiRA CSR Unit, Ndukwe Kalu Foundation (NKF) in collaboration with the Internet Society, Nigeria Chapter, organized an event to honour Girls in ICT Day. This hybrid event, themed “Leadership,” was meticulously crafted to equip young … Read More


In celebration of International Women’s Day 2024, .ng hosted a Twitter Spaces event on March 13th 2024, with the topic “Innovating for Inclusion: Recognizing Women’s Influence in Tech Innovation”. The Twitter (X) Spaces event aimed to celebrate and recognize the … Read More

.ng Brand Survey

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