
register the .ng domain

Building Your Brand Online with a Website: A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing a .NG Domain Name.

The Internet has become an essential tool for businesses and individuals to create an online presence, reach a broader audience, and connect with people around the world. One crucial step in building your online brand is choosing a domain name … Read More

NiRA Takes Action: Implementing Policy on Second-Level Domains (SLDs) for a Thriving Digital Future

The .ng ccTLD is the online identity of Nigeria on the Internet. It also has second-level domains which are industry-specific names like,, and The Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA) manages the .ng domain and its digital assets. … Read More

President Message from NiRA Secretariat

Welcome to another edition of our newsletter. I am excited to share with you some updates about our efforts to promote the use of the .ng domain, as well as other important developments in the digital landscape. As you may … Read More

.ng Brand Survey

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